The Science & Philosophy Of Sound Therapy

Energy doesn’t disappear - it can only be transformed into another form.

The quote above rests upon the currently scientifically agreed upon Law Of Thermodynamics.
With this law in mind,
it is interesting to explore how the energy of sound interacts with the energy of us.

Sound affects particles. Sound transforms particles. Sound re-arranges particles.
This can be made easier to grasp by making it visible to our eyes in a variety of ways,
for example through the use of Cymantics.

Cymantics is a method where substances on a flat surface plate, coupled with sound vibration,
reveals how different particles are affected by different sounds.

The latest development in this field is the invention of the Cymascope, which enables researchers to study patterns created when sound is affecting water.

Picture taken of water using a Cymascope, when playing different notes on a piano:

Notice the mathematically perfect, harmonious geometry.
Keep in mind that human bodies are about 60% water.


Video of Cymantics using a plate here:


Through the help of science we now know intellectually that nothing is solid in this world, even though it looks that way to our eyes.

In fact, everything we may perceive as solid is actually entities of atoms that oscillate at different frequencies. In a more poetic way, one could say that everything that appears solid is in reality just visible music (sound).

In therapy work using sound, the goal is to affect the energy frequencies of your body and spirit, and make them optimal, similar to the way we tune up an instrument.

We enter a relaxed state where the body and mind is open to repair and healing, and then tone/ get toned on, with focused intention, changing our mental and physical state, our inside and outside world.

Different people and different parts of the body may have different optimal resonant frequencies, aka tones or notes.

However, we all get affected by our daily life and psyco-somatic stress, and we might need to replenish out-of-balance frequencies, as well as release psyco-somatic tension by toning and/or being toned on.

Just like our voices are all different, so are our own individual tonal needs.

In a sound therapy session, you will discover your natural tones and the tones you should be aware of intonationg to keep balanced.

Every day science is making progress in exploring the world of energy. It is worth mentioning that sound energy has been postualted to be holographic, containing all information about the source it came from. There are plenty of resources, academics and ideas just a google search away.
My personal belief is that our intellect alone never will be able to comprehend all the aspects of reality in detail.
We just have to try and find what works for us, without hurting others, and without judging others.
We have everything in common and yet we are also all so unique.

The most common scientific method of all is trial and error.
If Sound Therapy sounds interesting to you,
the next step might be to try it with an open mind and an open heart.

Energy doesn’t disappear - it can only be transformed into another form.

Peace And Love,


Sources and further reading:

© Copyright Seena Music LLC, last updated 2022

Sound Medicine In Ancient Greece

The Music Of The Spheres
The ancient greek philosopher Pythagoras, who influenced figures like Plato as well as ancient greek ideas about mathematical perfection, is also thought to be the inventor of the Pythagorean music scale. It is regarded as likely that Pythagoras went to Egypt and Babylon to study as a young man.
Back in Greece, Pythagoras relayed ideas that match those of ancient Egypt, namely that the music of the spheres affects music on earth and in man, and also that the music scales were based on planetary tones. Students of his method were instructed to use this everything-is-(mathematically/musically/spiritually)-connected approach to health therapy. If we exchange the word ‘music’ for ‘frequency’ or ‘oscillation’, this idea might become easier to grasp. Everything in the universe is oscillating at different frequencies. Becoming aware of your frequencies and how to manage them in a harmonious way, is key.
The father of western medicine, Hippocrates, was born just about a decade after Pythagoras’ passing. Today, Hippocrates is widely known in regards to the Hippocratic Oath. What is lesser know is the fact that his methods build upon the teachings of Asclepius and the Asclepian Greek Medicine tradition stemming from circa 1000 years earlier. This tradition emphasizes the healing of the soul which could be achieved by the use of music therapy, healing foods, water therapy and dream incubation. The patient would enter Asclpeian healing temples to achieve these treatments, and the prescription for each patient would vary depending on ailments and planetary positions at birth.
In a sound therapy session with Seena, we go over your unique planetary positions/medical astrology, unveiling potential planetary stress points and their corresponding tone frequency. Your voice is a mirror of your present condition, which can be due to a number of factors. Your planetary positions at birth could hold clues to what notes would create more balance for you.
Every person has unique frequencies emanating from them, which is informing matter and energy, including their own feeling of well-being. We can guide these frequencies by toning, giving ourselves and our environment a tune up.

© Copyright Seena Music LLC, last updated 2022

Egyptian Sound Science

Painted wooden stela from Wedjahor Dynasty. ‘Overseer of Singers of Amun’ is playing his harp before Re-Horakthy. Re is the Sun God, representing the power of creation. Amun was the God of air. With that in mind, to me this image invites contemplation on the interplay and connectivity of principles we today call electromagnetic energy+photons+sound energy.

In ancient Egypt, music, architecture and astronomy were all seen as complimentary expressions of universal truths, sharing the same divine principles.

We are only just beginning to understand the scope of how some ancient Egyptians were extremely knowledgeable about the workings of the universe.

For example, did you know that they, according to one papyrus text from around 1400 B.C.E., were able to discern both if a woman was with child and what the sex of that child would be, by mixing the urine of the woman with two difference bags of barley and wheat?
If the grain sprouted she was with child, and depending on what grain sprouted first they could determine the sex.
It has since been proven that this method has a very high rate of accuracy.


Ancient Egyptians in the know seem to have viewed reality in a way where they understood that the workings of both heaven and earth impacted each other.
Harmony in all realms could be better achieved by a myriad of rituals that involved music, toning or sound.

Being aware that these rituals would take place in mathematically perfect temples in which the location mirror the location of heavenly bodies (awareness of astronomy), unveils a system where science, music and religion were complimenting each other.
We are re-discovering these truths of universal frequency today.

The architecture and acoustics of some of the ancient Egyptian temples seem to correspond with the frequency of the human body and chakra system, further demonstrating the awareness of the importance of ‘the music of the universe’ and the interplay of ‘the music of the universe’ with ‘the music in man’.
The first example that comes to mind is the research of of Schwaller de Lubicz and later John Anthony West at the Temple of Luxor.

© Copyright Seena Music LLC, last updated 2022

The Power of Sound In Ancient Indian Traditions

Saraswati is a Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, art, speech, wisdom, and learning.

  • Ancient Vedic texts speak about Vac , which can be understood as Logos, the Creative Voice.

  •   In Hinduism, and also in Tibetan Buddhism, we find the concept of  ‘Bija’ or Sacred Seed Syllables,  seeds of creation. The best known one might be ‘OM’ - the primal sound of all creation.  Bijas are put together in ancient mantras and harbor the power to change energy, and space.

  • According to the Hindu text of Mahabharata, listening to sacred sound (Shabda) is the quickest path to enlightenment.

  • In the Vedas a Shankha, or conch, is considered to be a gift of the ocean and believed to be one of first sound producing agencies, through which the sound of OM emanates. Blowing the Shankha is said to produce the sound of OM.  It is also a symbol of Lord Vishnu, and it’s sound of OM is known to dispel negative energy. It is interesting to be aware of the golden ratio of creation that the conch has come to represent even in modern times. This ratio is also present in music.

  • ‘In the Vedas Yoga historically likely began with mantra yoga as its original form. The oldest yogic text and spiritual teaching coming out of India, the Rig Veda, is primarily a teaching of mantra yoga. The Rig Veda is composed of sacred chants (like the Gayatri Mantra to the Sun God) designed to invoke the cosmic powers within us for their blessings and guidance. ‘ -Vamadeva Shastri

© Copyright Seena Music LLC, last updated 2022

Tibetan Sound Healing


The seed syllable of DZA

The Bön Buddhist tradition from Tibet is one of the world’s oldest unbroken spiritual traditions. This tradition has been, and still is, transmitted from master to student orally, and is rich with methods that can help guide all beings to a better life. A key tool is the use of sacred sound. Similarly to other traditions, the use of seed syllables and mantras are very important. Sacred sound syllables such as RAM and DZA are toned to bring the subtle energies of the visible and non-visible body back into their natural harmony, clearing visible and non-visible blockages. This in turn allows greater access to the limitless creativity and positive energy that is available to us.
Perpetual choir chanting is also something which is still practiced by some Tibetan monks to this day. The monks consciously chant harmony into the world, with the goal of upholding and creating more peace.
Both ancient and current Tibetan medicine and Chinese medicine in general recognize the importance of the subtle energy workings of man, the universe and the interplay between them.


Sufism and Sound

Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan wrote  “Before its incarnation the soul is sound. It is for this reason that we love sound.” (From his book The Mysticism Of Sound And Music). According to Sufi teachings, our earthly music gives a taste of the grand harmony of the whole universe. Regarded as a pioneer in bringing Sufism to the West, Hazrat Inayat Khan taught that one must put oneself in harmony with oneself, others and the universe. He said “I have found in every word a certain musical value, a melody in every thought, a harmony in every feeling”. Some of us might have less poetic ways of describing these very same phenomena, referring to ‘the melody of every thought’ simply as ‘brain-waves’. But the philosophy and importance of making oneself at ease still holds just as true. Since there is both music within ourselves and without ourselves, intentionally using sound, toning, words and mantras is a natural way to achieve such ease.