Sound Medicine In Ancient Greece

The Music Of The Spheres
The ancient greek philosopher Pythagoras, who influenced figures like Plato as well as ancient greek ideas about mathematical perfection, is also thought to be the inventor of the Pythagorean music scale. It is regarded as likely that Pythagoras went to Egypt and Babylon to study as a young man.
Back in Greece, Pythagoras relayed ideas that match those of ancient Egypt, namely that the music of the spheres affects music on earth and in man, and also that the music scales were based on planetary tones. Students of his method were instructed to use this everything-is-(mathematically/musically/spiritually)-connected approach to health therapy. If we exchange the word ‘music’ for ‘frequency’ or ‘oscillation’, this idea might become easier to grasp. Everything in the universe is oscillating at different frequencies. Becoming aware of your frequencies and how to manage them in a harmonious way, is key.
The father of western medicine, Hippocrates, was born just about a decade after Pythagoras’ passing. Today, Hippocrates is widely known in regards to the Hippocratic Oath. What is lesser know is the fact that his methods build upon the teachings of Asclepius and the Asclepian Greek Medicine tradition stemming from circa 1000 years earlier. This tradition emphasizes the healing of the soul which could be achieved by the use of music therapy, healing foods, water therapy and dream incubation. The patient would enter Asclpeian healing temples to achieve these treatments, and the prescription for each patient would vary depending on ailments and planetary positions at birth.
In a sound therapy session with Seena, we go over your unique planetary positions/medical astrology, unveiling potential planetary stress points and their corresponding tone frequency. Your voice is a mirror of your present condition, which can be due to a number of factors. Your planetary positions at birth could hold clues to what notes would create more balance for you.
Every person has unique frequencies emanating from them, which is informing matter and energy, including their own feeling of well-being. We can guide these frequencies by toning, giving ourselves and our environment a tune up.

© Copyright Seena Music LLC, last updated 2022