
A Wonderful Book


Currently reading an amazing book on herbal medicine:
Asian Health Secrets - The Complete Guide To Asian Herbal Medicine by Letha Hadady D. Ac.
It was recommended to me by the best herbalist in town Dr. Frank Lin at Lin Sister Herbs (4 Bowery).
The book, as well as Chinese medicine, emphasizes the importance of looking at each individual and their current, specific energetic state when prescribing treatments, such as herbs.
We are often presented with generalized news stories and social media posts to tune of ‘ginger is good for this…turmeric is good for that’ - but the question is really:
Are those things good for YOU? Is it what your system needs now, to balance it self?
This book is a great read for anyone interested in energy medicine, as it covers the basics of Asian, and specifically Chinese, herbal medicine, which is based on energetic principles.
As you may know, Chinese medicine draws on several thousands of years of written records based on empirical evidence.