
The Mind Leads The Qi


The mind leads the qi.
As an artist I consciously use this awareness to create.
And as a healer I am also constantly aware of this;
in a session with me you can trust that I am continuously present with you, with my entire focus.

I believe that human beings are some of the most sensitive and advanced beings in the universe.
Not in terms of technology.
In terms of what we can sense and do with our consciousness.
Most of us haven’t fully developed this part of our being yet,
as we currently live in an environment where it’s not conducive to do so.
Our current way of going about things can be likened to jumping around with one leg tied up,
when trying to walk.
We have the potential for so much more.
I believe this is about to change, if we allow the existing impulse to grow.
Instead of increasingly outsourcing our personal power to technology.
How are you using your mind to lead qi?
Your body’s qi status is closely related to how you use your mind.
What are you focusing on in your day to day?
Are you using your mind to integrate emotions, without letting them damage your energy system?
Are you consciously training your mind to lead qi where it is most beneficial for you?

A large benefit of Seena Energetics is becoming increasingly aware of your own qi.
Book a session or read more on my Seena Energetics page.


A Wonderful Book


Currently reading an amazing book on herbal medicine:
Asian Health Secrets - The Complete Guide To Asian Herbal Medicine by Letha Hadady D. Ac.
It was recommended to me by the best herbalist in town Dr. Frank Lin at Lin Sister Herbs (4 Bowery).
The book, as well as Chinese medicine, emphasizes the importance of looking at each individual and their current, specific energetic state when prescribing treatments, such as herbs.
We are often presented with generalized news stories and social media posts to tune of ‘ginger is good for this…turmeric is good for that’ - but the question is really:
Are those things good for YOU? Is it what your system needs now, to balance it self?
This book is a great read for anyone interested in energy medicine, as it covers the basics of Asian, and specifically Chinese, herbal medicine, which is based on energetic principles.
As you may know, Chinese medicine draws on several thousands of years of written records based on empirical evidence.