
It's hard to be an optimist, but..

Seena recording at Tuff Gong Studios, Kingston, Jamaica, August 2024

It’s hard to be an optimist, but the alternative is worse.
Through life’s ups and downs it’s allowed to fail, but it’s not allowed to give up and lose faith.
Whatever you’re going through, don’t drop your end of the rope. The universe will take care of the rest.

A Wonderful Book


Currently reading an amazing book on herbal medicine:
Asian Health Secrets - The Complete Guide To Asian Herbal Medicine by Letha Hadady D. Ac.
It was recommended to me by the best herbalist in town Dr. Frank Lin at Lin Sister Herbs (4 Bowery).
The book, as well as Chinese medicine, emphasizes the importance of looking at each individual and their current, specific energetic state when prescribing treatments, such as herbs.
We are often presented with generalized news stories and social media posts to tune of ‘ginger is good for this…turmeric is good for that’ - but the question is really:
Are those things good for YOU? Is it what your system needs now, to balance it self?
This book is a great read for anyone interested in energy medicine, as it covers the basics of Asian, and specifically Chinese, herbal medicine, which is based on energetic principles.
As you may know, Chinese medicine draws on several thousands of years of written records based on empirical evidence.


Faith Through Adversity


I’ll be releasing a beautiful slice-of-life video tomorrow
about my friend and percussionist Gary Fritz.
He’s dedicated his life to music and community;
He decided to follow his instincts,
surrender to his purpose and accept himself and his life’s circumstances.
Even when losing his only child, his daughter Nneka, to an accident.
The film is shot and edited by me and I hope it will inspire you.



@seenamusic Maybe your biggest problem is how you view problems🫶❤️ It’s challenging to rise to the occasion and sometimes it can take time to find out how you’re going to level up from your current challenges. But you did it before and you will do it again💪!! I believe in you!!! #energyhealer #energy #energyhealing #motivation #keepgoing #entrepreneur #matrix #spiritual #artistsoftiktok #lifehacks ♬ original sound - Seena

Maybe your biggest problem is;
that you think you’re not supposed to have any🫶❤️
It’s can be extremely challenging to rise to the occasion,
and sometimes it can take time to find out how you’re going to level up from your current challenges.
But you did it before and you will do it again💪!!
Find a way!! Problems are a sign of life.
I believe in you!!!

With Love From New York

@seenamusic For all my creative, entrepreneurial brothers and sisters and everyone in between: Free yourself from the belief that you need an agency, a record deal, a gallery or anything else to manifest your ideas. The only one you need to believe in you is you🤩❤️‍🔥🫶 Plus, if you self-represent you get to keep 100%!! #free #artist #artistsoftiktok #model #newyorkmodel #matrix #spiritualtiktok #spiritualawakening #energy #energyhealing #spirituality #freeyourself ♬ original sound - Seena

Hello everybody from New York
it’s Seena here
about to stick a fork
in the soufflé known as ‘agency’
I look out for you
I look out for me

I’ve been a model and an artist in this town
for fiften years
yeah I’ve been around
and the most important thing I’ll share with you
is that to your own heart you must be true

Don’t let agencies and managers use you
when it comes to it
they will never choose you
there are exceptions
but most of them
will stab you in the back while they act like your friend

So here’s the bottom line
YOU gotta conjure up business
Forgot to teach you this in school
but how could they miss this;
to be an artist, a model, a painter
trust me
you don’t need no middle man
you need to be


Faith reaches what reason fails to touch


🦋The mystic begins by marveling at life, and to him it is a phenomenon at every moment.
🦋Every moment of your life is more valuable than anything else in this world.
🦋Love is a weapon that can break all obstacles on one’s path in life.

🦋Overlook the greatest fault of another, but do not partake of it in the smallest degree.
🦋A tender-hearted sinner is better than a saint hardened by piety.
🦋Each human personality is like a piece of music, having an individual tone and rhythm of its own.
🦋The best way to love is to serve.
🦋Pursuit of the impossible is the best game there is.
🦋We must forget the past, control the present and prepare the future.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan