Gary's Toolbox


This new documentary short, shot and edited by me, is out today.

A lived life has ups and downs.
As I’m sure you’re aware,
these ups -  and maybe especially the downs -
can look very different from one person to the next.

But what we all have in common is that the “little T” and “big T” traumas life brings us,
require healing.

I followed my friend and percussionist Gary Fritz over a few days last year,
to get a glimpse into his version of human expression,
and also to hear what he has in his toolbox for leading a healthy life.

Leading a life as a freelance musician, where the first requirement is surrendering to the unknown and getting comfortable there, is a feat in itself.
However, Gary also had to find a way to keep going when he lost his only child
and best friend, his daughter Nneka, to a car accident.

In this video Gary shares his most important tools:
faith in something bigger than himself, a surrender to his part in that ‘something bigger’
and faith in his purpose as a musician.

I hope this video can inspire you to accept yourself and your dharma,
perhaps regaining trust in your ability to live life on your terms by acknowledging and respecting your needs.
Meet yourself where you are at, now.

How can you finding unique and healthy ways of fulfilling your very human needs?
For Gary it’s drumming, music, community and spirituality.
It’s loving himself enough to connect with himself, source and others.
Find your vibe and create your tribe.

You are beautiful and the universe needs you.
Gary, I feel honored to have been able to document part of your life and life experience.
Thank you <3