Julian Marley and Seena at Tuff Gong Studios, Kingston, Jamaica, December 2024.
Don't Let Them Change Ya
Seena, 56 Hope Road / Marley Home, Kingston, Jamaica 2024
Don’t let them change ya
Or even rearrange ya
We've got a life to live <3
Unconditional love is a state
There is only one love.
It's unconditional and you can't give or receive it;
You become it.
You are accepting of everyone and everything,
including yourself,
because you know we sometimes can't help for the way we’ve been programmed.
You take everyone as a part of yourself,
and only want what's best for all.
Unconditional love is a state.
Unconditional love is a vibe.
Unconditional love is.
Language Of The Soul
Music is the language of the soul <3
This essay is essay #1 in a series connected to my new EP Cliff
|Read essay #2 ELECTRIC HEART here|
|Read essay #3 CLIFF here |
|Read essay #4 DISCIPLINE here|
|Read essay #5 NOT TOO SWEET here|
My new EP Cliff is out now!
Taking a chance on trusting the groove of life.
Trusting that following the true rhythm of one’s heart eventually leads to true wholeness.
It can be likened to leaping off a CLIFF.
A CLIFF is both rock solid and an opportunity for free fall.
These qualities compliment instead of contradict eachother.
The most beautiful revelation in life is when one realizes that one is supported at every stage;
Even when leaping from the tallest CLIFF, in the midst of a wondrous soar,
or what turns to be a disasterous fall,
the CLIFF is still there for you to hold onto;
Re-connected to the groove of life, you innately find that you yourself are rock solid in mid-air.
-Your total surrender allows you to discover a gateway to cultivate your inner CLIFF.-
Even though it has sometimes cost me my pride and equilibrium, I’m truly grateful for the times in my life when I have taken a chance and leaped off the CLIFF.
Whether it’s simply daring to disco on the dance floor to a beat that everyone else thinks is weird,
or inviting someone to dance with me only to get rejected.
The soars are sweet, and the crash-landings have sometimes broken my heart.
Each time I leap, I learn a lesson that brings me closer to wholeness.
This is especially true of the crash-landings.
I hope you will leap, and I hope you realize the gift it is to cultivate your inner CLIFF.
It takes putting yourself in an unprotected state.
Smiling and disco dancing along the journey makes it more fun.
I hope this EP will put a smile on your face and warm your soul.
A groovy companion to your CLIFF - leaping.
No fear. No regrets.
Just peace, love and disco.
Sway Hits 100k Streams
Glad to learn my rendition of Sway
is resonating with you.
Today it became my second tune to hit over 100 000 streams on Spotify.
This track was produced and mixed by me;
It was easy to do since my musicians played so creatively
and it was recorded so flawlessly by expert engineers.
A true and beautiful teamwork.
I also hope this can inspire you to do ‘it’ yourself - whatever ‘it’ is.
Sharing the project with others in the studio (and with you guys!)
really is the best feeling in the world,
and in order to get to those situations
the first impulse and step starts with one person.
Sometimes, that person is you!
Don’t ignore your creative impulses.
Don’t put your light under a bushel.
Share your light and
answer the call - someway, somehow - it’s there for a reason.
Listen to Sway via Spotify above, or via Apple Music HERE.
Good Vibes From The Studio
It’s about the journey and the people you meet along the way.
Thanks for being part of my journey.
And FYI: my band is sounding🔥TIGHT🔥.
Can’t wait to provide you with our good vibes in person soon.
Bless you,
Rock On Beautiful People
Just stopping by to remind you to keep dancing to that very special groove of your own heart.
With love from New York City,
My new EP Cool Breeze is out now!
Track 1, 2 and 5 is in the genre of what I would call space-folk.
Track 3 and 4 are more pop/Rnb oriented.
I’ve linked Track 5 above; The Potential Hero.
Written, recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by me.
Hope I can inspire you to self-represent;
whatever it is you would like to create; just do it!
I believe in you!!
Thanks to guitarist Pat Brennan for guitar on the space folk tracks.
Listen on Spotify
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Tidal
Listen on Amazon Music
Find my book at Local's
No matter if you are just a visiting kook or a local you can wind down with Rockaway’s best coffee and my poetry book at Local’s Collective (190 Beach 69th St in Rockaway). My faves are their iced latte with almond milk, banana bread and vegan chocolate chip cookie. My book is in their cafe library. It’s also on Amazon if you want to pick up a copy.
It really is the best coffee in Rockaway.
'I Smile' passed 24 000 streams on Spotify + Apple Music
Earlier this week my song ‘I Smile’ passed 24 000 streams on Spotify and Apple Music.
Thanks everyone for your support - and if you want to listen again the links are:
Cherries is out now!
My new song Cherries is out now! I produced it myself (the actual editing and mixing in Pro Tools).
I’ll be releasing a lot more self produced music this fall.
I’ve spent the last year learning Pro Tools and Logic (music production programs).
My first few years in the music business was filled with so many people trying to take advantage of me and trick me because of my genuine love of music and because I’m a female.
You would be surprised at some of the names and stories.
Going forward I hope I can inspire other ladies in the business, and girls who want to get into making music. You don’t need a record deal, a producer, or anybody to believe in you, to make music.
All you need is your own creativity, determination and self-respect.
I’m not saying that it’s not good to collaborate with others - just as long as that’s what it is, and you pick the right people.
But just remember that no matter who you are and what you want to accomplish,
you don’t need anyone to get started or move yourself forward.
A thanks to all my jazz musicians - I was lucky to link up with you and still have you in my life - it’s incredible to be surrounded by individuals who actually have a true love of music after my rough start in the music business encountering people with zero integrity.
Thanks Adi, Taber, Darrian and Ken for playing on this track and some of the upcoming ones - chopped it up a bit on this one - you can hear more of their beautiful playing in upcoming tracks.
Chorus written by Lew Brown. Verses and break by me.
This mix is dry, bassy, minimalist and perfect for a chill Sunday - just like I wanted it to be. Hope you enjoy and thank you for supporting me and my music. I’m only getting started. Seena