A genius trying to discuss deep mathematic-spiritual truths of Phi.
”Everything alters me, but nothing changes me.” -Dali
We are all winging it
Salvador Dali, “Ship With Butterfly Sails” (1937)
We are all winging it at life,
so let’s remember to have compassion for our past, current and future selves
and the past, current and future version of others
in the process.
Mood <3
Life can be full of blessings when one knows how to receive them.
Possibility is the nature of God, and impossibility is the limitation of man.
The heart is the gate of God; as soon as you knock upon it, the answer comes.
There is no greater phenomenon than love itself.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Dance Of The Soul
This essay is essay #1 in a series connected to my new EP Cliff
|Read essay #2 ELECTRIC HEART here|
|Read essay #3 CLIFF here |
|Read essay #4 DISCIPLINE here|
|Read essay #5 NOT TOO SWEET here|
My new EP Cliff is out now!
Taking a chance on trusting the groove of life.
Trusting that following the true rhythm of one’s heart eventually leads to true wholeness.
It can be likened to leaping off a CLIFF.
A CLIFF is both rock solid and an opportunity for free fall.
These qualities compliment instead of contradict eachother.
The most beautiful revelation in life is when one realizes that one is supported at every stage;
Even when leaping from the tallest CLIFF, in the midst of a wondrous soar,
or what turns to be a disasterous fall,
the CLIFF is still there for you to hold onto;
Re-connected to the groove of life, you innately find that you yourself are rock solid in mid-air.
-Your total surrender allows you to discover a gateway to cultivate your inner CLIFF.-
Even though it has sometimes cost me my pride and equilibrium, I’m truly grateful for the times in my life when I have taken a chance and leaped off the CLIFF.
Whether it’s simply daring to disco on the dance floor to a beat that everyone else thinks is weird,
or inviting someone to dance with me only to get rejected.
The soars are sweet, and the crash-landings have sometimes broken my heart.
Each time I leap, I learn a lesson that brings me closer to wholeness.
This is especially true of the crash-landings.
I hope you will leap, and I hope you realize the gift it is to cultivate your inner CLIFF.
It takes putting yourself in an unprotected state.
Smiling and disco dancing along the journey makes it more fun.
I hope this EP will put a smile on your face and warm your soul.
A groovy companion to your CLIFF - leaping.
No fear. No regrets.
Just peace, love and disco.
One Week Challenge
One week challenge:
Make choices from a place of love and not fear.
Happy early Valentines Day from New York City.
Love you,
Find my book at Local's
No matter if you are just a visiting kook or a local you can wind down with Rockaway’s best coffee and my poetry book at Local’s Collective (190 Beach 69th St in Rockaway). My faves are their iced latte with almond milk, banana bread and vegan chocolate chip cookie. My book is in their cafe library. It’s also on Amazon if you want to pick up a copy.
It really is the best coffee in Rockaway.
My new fave artists: Paul Fuentes & Ilse Fuentes
Ice Snail by Fuentes Studio
Art Snake by Fuentes Studio
Hairy Magnum by Fuentes Studio
Inspired by: Kenneth Blom
Discovered this artist from my home country of Norway earlier this year. Love his style and the moods of his work. His website is www.KennethBlom.Com. Enjoy.