Favorite Hazrat Inayat Khan Quotes


If you are looking for something to read this summer I warmly recommend The Dance Of The Soul. This is one of my favorite books, if not the favorite. It consists of a collection of profound aphorisms by Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Khan. I usually read a page or two in this book to get back in touch with what’s truly important. One page is enough, as the sayings are so elegantly simple, yet deep. Here are a few of my favorites:

As the shadow is evident yet non-existent, so is evil

It is easy to become a teacher, but difficult to become a pupil

As fire can cook food or burn it, so also does pain affect the human heart

The secret of life is balance, and the absence of balance is life’s destruction

If you fail yourself, everybody will fail you

One single moment of a sincere life is worth more than a thousand years of a life of falsehood

Before you can know the truth, you must learn to live a true life