Faith reaches what reason fails to touch


🦋The mystic begins by marveling at life, and to him it is a phenomenon at every moment.
🦋Every moment of your life is more valuable than anything else in this world.
🦋Love is a weapon that can break all obstacles on one’s path in life.

🦋Overlook the greatest fault of another, but do not partake of it in the smallest degree.
🦋A tender-hearted sinner is better than a saint hardened by piety.
🦋Each human personality is like a piece of music, having an individual tone and rhythm of its own.
🦋The best way to love is to serve.
🦋Pursuit of the impossible is the best game there is.
🦋We must forget the past, control the present and prepare the future.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan