This essay is essay #2 in a series connected to my new EP Cliff
Read essay #1 CLIFF EP INTRO here
Read essay #3 CLIFF here
Read essay #4 DISCIPLINE here
Read essay #5 NOT TOO SWEET here
The first tune on the EP is titled
**Heart coherence brings a greater inner stability.
A more effortless connection to what is truly important.
Cultivating heart coherence is part of cultivating your inner CLIFF**
Did you know that the electromagnetic field of the human heart reaches out far beyond the body? It is measurable by today’s available tools and therefore has been proven and accepted by the standards of current mainstream science.
But even without that outside validation I believe most of us are innately aware of the power of the heart. To me, the heart represents what it truly means to be human; Connecting to the wisdom of the heart is connecting to the wisdom of the universe. Connecting to the source.
Whether we consciously realize it or not,
we affect others around us, much similar to the way adjacent tuning forks affect eachother.
Everything is oscillating, and the vibration of our personal heart center matters.
When we consciously choose to be present with ourselves and others in a state that is connected to the heart, we bring more light to the world.
This whole EP came to me after a session of Network Spinal care at Life Power Wellness in Manhattan with Dr. Cliff Inkles.
Dr. Cliff is recognized as one of the early contributors to the development of Network and is highly regarded as one of the most skilled Network Spinal chiropractors in the world.
Read more about Life Power Wellness here. Read more about Network Spinal and it’s founder Donny Epstein here.
Network Spinal has put me in greater touch with my body-mind, my heart and my soul. It is one of the tools available to use to achieve heart coherence. Other tools could be yoga, meditation, vocal toning and spending time in nature. Anything that can put your body’s systems more in sync with eachother, so it’s easier to cut through the noise and connect directly to your higher self.
”What would love do?”
For me, asking myself this question is such a simple and elegant way to connect to the wisdom of the heart.
Saying and doing what our heart truly feels, which - for me - is one way to define heart coherence, is what will move this world closer to truth.
Electric Heart is a love song.
It can be understood as both an eros and an agape vibe. To me, one of the most beautiful realizations open to us in this life is that agape love is always available.
It’s just a sprinkle of awareness plus a dash of a conscious choice away.
If you feel like you don’t have it, take the focus off of the limited version of yourself and try to give it to someone else, stepping into the larger version of you.
With that I’d like to close with a saying by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk that I find to be true and beautiful: Only a broken heart is truly whole.
What does that mean?
To me, it means that we sometimes have to be cracked open or humbled to re-discover our connection to universal love. At the same time, I believe that we are moving into an era where we are remembering to choose love without being cracked open first.
We are, and will be even more, connected to our true essence, love, through our electric hearts.
Love is always available inside of you.
It’s the foundation of your inner CLIFF.