This essay is essay #5 in a series connected to my new EP Cliff
Read essay #1 CLIFF EP INTRO here
Read essay #2 ELECTRIC HEART here
Read essay #3 CLIFF here
Read essay #4 DISCIPLINE here
The fourth tune on the EP is titled
**Speaking your truth - sometimes with a dash of humor - while holding multiple perspectives, is part of cultivating your inner CLIFF**
This tune is indirectly inspired by my learning Mandarin Chinese. For the last three years I’ve been diving into this beautiful and complex language, and I’ve also invested myself into learning as much as I can about Chinese history and culture. There are so many interesting facts, stunning pieces of art, and cultural take-aways from the different dynastic periods.
I’ve also enjoyed soaking in current trends and memes. One of the things I’ve picked up on, which might be unfamiliar to many people in the West, is that there is usually a discrepancy between East/West in terms of appreciation for sweetness-level in desserts. One of the highest compliments for a dessert in China would be to say that it’s ‘Not Too Sweet’.
I realized that, with a dash of humor, this concept could be carried over to a relationship setting, as well, and the tune Not Too Sweet was born.
Immersing myself in understanding a history and culture very different from that of my own upbringing, has made me more aware of the gift it is to hold multiple perspectives. The ability to see multiple perspectives at once, is one way to define a high level of conciousness. As the world becomes more and more interconnected, we are offered the opportunity to learn from eachother. This rings true on both an individual-to-individual level and a country-to-country level.
Just beause someone has a different way of going about things, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are wrong. It is a gift to be able to recognize how the ways of others shine light on both what is great about our own ways, and also what we could possibly improve. It also offers the opportunity to build character by respecting the way something is, without trying to impose, judge and project. Realizing that there is coherence and strength in differences, is part of cultivating our inner cliff. Different parts, different systems, different people all make up a whole solid cliff. We need to actively practice holding this perspective and not fracture our own cliff.
Not Too Sweet is a humoros love song not to be taken too seriously. I’ve found that humor is often the way of the universe, although sometimes we are only able see it in hindsight.