

This essay is essay #4 in a series connected to my new EP Cliff

Read essay #1 CLIFF EP INTRO here
Read essay #2 ELECTRIC HEART here
Read essay #3 CLIFF here
Read essay #5 NOT TOO SWEET here

The third tune on the EP is titled DISCIPLINE

Having the energetic discipline to choose thoughts that are for the highest good is part of cultivating your inner CLIFF**

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
This is, of course, the famous line from Genesis.
But did you know that in ancient biblical hebrew the word for ‘said’ in this text can also be understood as ‘thought’?
It’s obviously up to each one of us to deduce further meaning based on that fact.
One of the meanings I commit to is: thoughts create reality.
We are co-creators of our reality, and therefore it is up to us to choose the thoughts that would bring the best reality for all, including ourselves. This requires energetic discipline. It is a daily commitment; not just once in a while, but all the time.

”We see the world not as it is, but as we are.”
I really find this statement to ring true.
Therefore, I feel that having the discipline to live truly present, while attentive to what our presence tells us, is key.
The kind of discipline I’m talking about is in reality about; freedom.
If you have the discipline to see it, every moment offers possibilities for freedom. Possibilites of setting ourselves and others free from limiting beliefs. Possibilities to live life by what we experience and feel, and not what we are told to be or do. We can have the discipline to live by acceptance, forgivness and unconditional love. We can have the discipline to ask why we act the way we do. Then use it as a means to evolve; We can have the discipline to connect to our inner cliff of faith and choose unconditional love in every moment. What we choose to focus our thoughts on matters; what we focus our thoughts on creates an energy that we will then live by and broadcast to the world.

The song Discipline is for peace, love and laughs.
I made it with my pilates instructor Victoria.
My favorite thing about her class is that she expects her students to show up as the best version of ourselves - the version that has the discipline to do what’s harder at present, but that in the end will yield the best results. This version of ourselves also has unconditional love; It recognizes that we can only do our very best based on our current phase of conciousness, and that that’s ok. Judging ourselves and others is the opposite of having energetic discipline. It is part of a limiting world view. You either are in touch with unconditional love, or you aren’t. Be ok with what is, while recognizing that the moment most likely holds potentials for far more versions of freedom than we are able to fathom at any point in time. Sometimes, until we are able to make it second nature, it requires discipline to continuously choose unconditional love.