Seena, 56 Hope Road / Marley Home, Kingston, Jamaica 2024
Don’t let them change ya
Or even rearrange ya
We've got a life to live <3
Seena, 56 Hope Road / Marley Home, Kingston, Jamaica 2024
Don’t let them change ya
Or even rearrange ya
We've got a life to live <3
Happy 4th of July!
Hope we can remember that
thoughtful disagreement is a prerequisite for a healthy democracy
as we celebrate today.
Currently reading an amazing book on herbal medicine:
Asian Health Secrets - The Complete Guide To Asian Herbal Medicine by Letha Hadady D. Ac.
It was recommended to me by the best herbalist in town Dr. Frank Lin at Lin Sister Herbs (4 Bowery).
The book, as well as Chinese medicine, emphasizes the importance of looking at each individual and their current, specific energetic state when prescribing treatments, such as herbs.
We are often presented with generalized news stories and social media posts to tune of ‘ginger is good for this…turmeric is good for that’ - but the question is really:
Are those things good for YOU? Is it what your system needs now, to balance it self?
This book is a great read for anyone interested in energy medicine, as it covers the basics of Asian, and specifically Chinese, herbal medicine, which is based on energetic principles.
As you may know, Chinese medicine draws on several thousands of years of written records based on empirical evidence.
“You can’t know it, but you can BE it;
At ease in your own life.”
Tao Te Ching remix w Wayne Dyer
Nana’ Green Tea is where it’s at!
Rome Vlog is up on my Youtube channel,
featuring the best coffee and the worst neighborhood in Rome :)
Antico Caffé Greco
I spent the Memorial Day weekend with my <3 mom <3 in Rome.
I took her to my favorite coffee spot: Antico Caffè Greco.
They have the best iced latte! If you don’t like too much sugar,
ask for it unsweetened, and remember to request ice if you want ice cubes.
Antico Caffè Greco is right by the Spanish Steps, so in a pretty touristy spot,
but it’s loved by locals and visitors alike for a reason.
It’s the oldest bar in Rome and the second oldest in Italy.
Vlog coming!
Via Dei Condotti 86, 00187, Rome
Take my hand,
I'm a Stranger in Paradise
All lost in a wonderland
A Stranger in Paradise
If I stand starry eyed,
That's a danger in Paradise
For mortals who stand beside
An angel like you
Lean down and touch the Earth
Reach up and touch the sky
Reach out and touch the hearts
Of strangers passing by
You’ll find
As long as you live
All you can hold to
Is what you can give
So lean down and touch a child
Reach out and touch the sea
You’ll find there’s love to share
Wherever you may be
For nothing can match
The beauty of
Touching the Earth
With love
My wish for you, sweet happy life
May all the days of the years that you live be laughing days
With all my heart, sweet happy life
And may the nighttimes that follow the days be dancing nights
@seenamusic My favorite chinese medicine herbalist in New York is Frank Lin who can be found at Lin Sister chinese medicine store in Chinatown New York City. This store is a magical haven for anyone interested in health, healing and energy medicine. The adress is 4 Bowery and you can just walk in any day except Wednesdays between 10-4 to get a consultation with Frank🌱 #selflove #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #energy #energyhealing #energyhealer #matrix #mentalhealth #newyork #newyorkcity #newyorkactivities #chinese #chinesemedicine #herbalmedicine #chinatown #chinatownnyc ♬ original sound - Seena
My favorite Chinese medicine herbalist in New York is Dr. Frank Lin
who can be found at Lin Sister chinese medicine store in Chinatown New York City.
This store is a magical haven for anyone interested in health, healing and energy medicine.
The address is 4 Bowery and you can just walk in any day,
except Wednesdays, between 10-4 to get a consultation with Frank.
Finally had time to read The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.
Loved it and can easily see why so many people rave about it.
One of the best books I’ve read and I highly recommend!
It’s mainly centered around beautiful and truthful philosophies regarding letting the energy of life pass through you without clinging to ‘good’ stuff or resisting ‘bad’ stuff.
If you don’t, energy gets stuck, blocked and stored until you deal with it.
At the beginning of the book Singer writes a bit about our society’s tendency to close our hearts.
But this also disrupts your personal energy flow
and the beautiful impact you can have on the world in your daily life.
So don’t close your heart!
If you protect yourself you will never be free.
If you protect yourself you will never grow.
You can get The Untethered Soul on Amazon HERE.
This new documentary short, shot and edited by me, is out today.
A lived life has ups and downs.
As I’m sure you’re aware,
these ups - and maybe especially the downs -
can look very different from one person to the next.
But what we all have in common is that the “little T” and “big T” traumas life brings us,
require healing.
I followed my friend and percussionist Gary Fritz over a few days last year,
to get a glimpse into his version of human expression,
and also to hear what he has in his toolbox for leading a healthy life.
Leading a life as a freelance musician, where the first requirement is surrendering to the unknown and getting comfortable there, is a feat in itself.
However, Gary also had to find a way to keep going when he lost his only child
and best friend, his daughter Nneka, to a car accident.
In this video Gary shares his most important tools:
faith in something bigger than himself, a surrender to his part in that ‘something bigger’
and faith in his purpose as a musician.
I hope this video can inspire you to accept yourself and your dharma,
perhaps regaining trust in your ability to live life on your terms by acknowledging and respecting your needs.
Meet yourself where you are at, now.
How can you finding unique and healthy ways of fulfilling your very human needs?
For Gary it’s drumming, music, community and spirituality.
It’s loving himself enough to connect with himself, source and others.
Find your vibe and create your tribe.
You are beautiful and the universe needs you.
Gary, I feel honored to have been able to document part of your life and life experience.
Thank you <3
I’ll be releasing a beautiful slice-of-life video tomorrow
about my friend and percussionist Gary Fritz.
He’s dedicated his life to music and community;
He decided to follow his instincts,
surrender to his purpose and accept himself and his life’s circumstances.
Even when losing his only child, his daughter Nneka, to an accident.
The film is shot and edited by me and I hope it will inspire you.
If you are lucky enough in this life, you only live twice.